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Previous Performances

Bach's Christmas Oratorio

Bach's Christmas Oratorio Part 1, 2, 3, and 6.

Let The Sunshine In

Palestrina Exultate Deo

De Victoria Ave Maria (Cantor: Charles Ritchie)

De Victoria O Quam Gloriosum

Vivaldi Alla Rustica*

Alessandro Scarlatti Iste Confessor (soloists: Wendy Long, Ali Ross,

Marie Richardson)

Da Viadana Exultate Justi

Francesco Conti Quella Fiamma*

Alessandro Scarlatti Gia il Sole dal Gange*

Giovanni Pergolesi Magnificat in B flat

(soloists: Marie Richardson, Stephanie

Chadwick and Kristy Pattimore, Gesa Blackmore)

Pitoni Cantate Domino

Albinoni Oboe Concerto Op 9 no. 2*

Vivaldi Gloria

(soloists: Samantha Green, Stephanie

Chadwick, Gesa Blackmore, Kristy Pattimore)

*Solo performances by Eden Baroque Ensemble

Christmas Concert

Messiah - Handel

Come and Sing Mozart's Requiem and Other Works

Insanae et vanae curae - Haydn (From Vesperae solennes de confessore)

Laudate Dominum - Mozart

Ave Verum Corpus - Mozart

Fantasia in F minor - Mozart

Requiem - Mozart

Vienna Spring

Mass in G - Schubert

Nelson Mass - Haydn


Coronation Mass - Mozart

Magnificat in C - J C Bach

Fantaisie sur Deux Noels

A range of Carols - 100 Carols for Choirs

Spring Concert

Elijah - Felix Mendelssohn

Christmas Concert

Deck the Hall - Willcocks

Jingle Bells - Willcocks

Good King Wenceslas - Jacques

Still, Still, Still - Ledger

Joys Seven - Cleobury

Star Carol - Rutter

Sleigh Ride (Organ Solo by Ian Hare) - Trotter 

A Babe is Born - Mathias

Mary's Lullaby - John Rutter

The Twelve Days of Christmas - Rutter and Austin

The Holy Boy (Organ Solo by Ian Hare) - Ireland

A Maiden Most Gentle - Andrew Carter

Sussex Carol - Sir David Willcocks

While Shepherds Watched -  Clark

Shepherd's Pipe Carol - Rutter

In The Bleack Midwiner  

(Sololists: Marie Richardson and John Fletcher) - Darke

Ding Dong! Merrily on High - Wilberg

Sacred Choral Music from across Europe

I Was Glad - Parry

Justorum Animae - Stanford

A Clare Benediction - Rutter

How Lovely are thy Dwellings Fair - Brahms 

Impeiral March (Organ Solo by Kris Thomsett) - Elgar

Missa Sancti Nicolai (Gloria, Sanctus, Angus Dei)

(Soloists: Samantha Green, Kristy Pattimore, Charles Ritchie, Jordan English) - Haydn

Evening Song (Organ Solo by Kris Thomsett) - Bairstow

Light of the World - Elgar 

I Will Sing with the Spirit - Rutter

Locus Iste - Bruckner

Blest Pair of Sirens - Parry

Gloria: A Christmas Concert

Mass in D - Dvořák

O Magnum Mysterium - Millican

Christmas carols old and new

Celebrate! 40th Anniversary Concert

Zadok The Priest - Handel

Jesu Bleibet - Bach

Beatus Vir - Monteverdi

Hear My Prayer - Mendelssohn

Lift Up Your Heads (from Messiah) - Handel

Ave Verum Corpus - Mozart

The Heavens Are Telling - J. Haydn

God is Gone Up - Finzi

Locus Iste - Bruckner

Cantique de Jean Racine - Fauré

Ave Marie - Rachmaninov

Evening Hymn - Balfour Gardiner

Song for Athene - Tavener

Blest Pair of Sirens - Parry

Spirit of the Nation

For the Fallen - Douglas Guest

Greater Love - Ireland

Elegy in Bb - George Thalben-Ball

Songs of the Fleet - Stanford

Turn Back O Man - Holst

My Soul There Is a Country - Parry

The Spirit of England - Elgar

All People That on Earth Do Dwell - arr. Vaughan Williams

May Concert

The Creation - Handel

December Concert

Messiah (Part 1) - Handel

Psalmfest - Rutter

May Concert

St John Passion - Bach

December Concert

Mass in G - Schubert

Jesu, Meine Freude - Bach

Fantasia on Christmas Carols - Vaughan Williams

Music by Bruckner and Grieg

French Connection

Mass in C# Minor - Vierne

Allegro Vivace (from Symphony No. 5) - Widor

Quatre Motets - Duruflé

Surrexit a Mortuis - Widor

Messe pour Notre-Dame - Briggs

Crown Imperial - Walton

Cantique de Jean Racine - Fauré

Sing! - Willcocks

O Magnum Mysterium

Magnificat - Rutter

Christmas music by Warlock, Darke, Rutter, Lauridsen, Stanford, Wilberg, Chilcott, Joubert, Carter, Mathias and Hywel Davies

June Concert

Mass for Four Voices - Byrd

Song for Athene - Tavener

Five Spirituals (from A Child of Our Time) - Tippett

Messa di Gloria - Puccini

Winter Concert

Messiah - Handel

May Concert

Maria Theresa Mass - Haydn

Requiem - Mozart

Christmas Concert

A Ceremony of Carols - Britten

Gloria - Poulenc

Requiem - Rutter

May Concert

Petite Messe Solennelle - Rossini

December Concert

Judas Maccabeus - Handel

May Concert

Elijah - Mendelssohn

December Concert

Magnificat - J.S. Bach

Christmas Proclamation - Tavener

Mass in Time of War - Haydn

April Concert

St Matthew Passion - J.S. Bach

Christmas Concert

Messiah - Handel

England's Golden Ages

Hosanna to the Son of David - Gibbons

Come Ye Sons of Art, Away - Purcell

Total Eclipse (from Samson) - Handel

Requiem - Howells

Mass in G Minor - Vaughan Williams

Toward the Unknown Region - Vaughan Williams

December Concert

Nelson Mass - Haydn

Requiem - Mozart

May Concert

Mass for Four Voices - Byrd

Hear My Prayer - Mendelssohn

Serenade to Music - Vaughan Williams

Funeral Music for the Death of Queen Mary - Purcell

Five Negro Spirituals - Tippett

Jubilate Deo - Britten

December Concert

Christmas Oratorio (Cantantas 1, 2, 3 and 6) - J. S. Bach

May Concert

Gloria - Rutter

Song for Athene - Tavener

The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace - Jenkins

December Concert

Samson - Handel

May Concert

God is Gone Up - Finzi

Rejoice in the Lamb - Britten

Lux Aeterna - Elgar

Toward the Unknown Region - Vaughan Williams

Requiem - Rutter

December Concert

The Creation - Haydn

May Concert

Messa di Gloria - Puccini

Mass in D - Dvořák

December Concert

Messiah - Handel

May Concert

Te Deum - Charpentier

Gloria - Poulenc

Requiem - Duruflé

December Concert

Dixit Dominus - Handel
Zadok the Priest - Handel
Requiem - Mozart

May Concert

St John Passion - Bach

Winter Concert

The King Shall Rejoice - Handel
Coronation Mass - Mozart
Harmoniemesse - Haydn

May Concert

Elijah - Mendelssohn

December Concert

A German Requiem - Brahms
Four Motets - Bruckner

May Concert

Greater Love - Ireland

Requiem - Howells

Song for Athene - Tavener

I Was Glad - Parry

Requiem - Rutter

December Concert

Sleepers, Wake (Cantata 140) - Bach

St Cecilia Mass - Haydn

May Concert

Petite Messe Solennelle - Rossini

December Concert

Messiah - Handel

May Concert

The Dream Of Gerontius - Elgar

December Concert

Christmas Oratorio - Bach

May Concert

St Paul - Mendelssohn

November Concert

Mass in Time of War - Haydn

Requiem - Mozart

April Concert

St Matthew Passion - Bach

November Concert

The Creation - Haydn

May Concert

Requiem - Fauré

Requiem - Duruflé

Gloria - Poulenc

December Concert

Messiah - Handel

May Concert

Elijah - Mendelssohn

December Concert

Christmas Oratorio - Bach

May Concert

Hosanna to the Son of David - Gibbons

Rejoice in the Lord - Purcell

Come Ye Sons of Art, Away - Purcell

Mass in G Minor - Vaughan Williams

Serenade to Music - Vaughan Williams

December Concert

Te Deum - Bruckner

Nelson Mass - Haydn

May Concert

St John Passion - Bach

December Concert

Ceremony of Carols - Britten

St Nicholas - Britten

May Concert

English Choral Music by Parry, Tye, Marston, Howells, Rutter and Purcell

December Concert

Messiah - Handel

May Concert

Messa di Gloria - Puccini

Greater Love - Ireland

Pange Lingua - Kodaly

Rejoice in the Lamb - Britten

November Concert

Harmoniemesse - Haydn

Requiem - Mozart

May Concert

Magnificat - Bach

Requiem - Brahms

December Concert

Petite Messe Solennelle - Rossini

April Concert

Music for choir, brass and organ by Vaughan Williams, Buxtehude, Purcell, Bruckner and Schutz

December Concert

Samson - Handel

May Concert

Five Mystical Songs - Vaughan Williams

Five Negro Spirituals (from A Child of Our Time) - Tippett

Carmina Burana - Orff

November Concert

Messiah - Handel

May Concert

Little Organ Mass - Haydn

Mass for Four Voices - Byrd

Beatus Vir - Monteverdi

Gloria - Vivaldi

November Concert

The Creation - Haydn

March Concert

St Matthew Passion - Bach

November Concert

Coronation Anthems - Handel

Requiem - Mozart

June Concert

Insanae et Vanae Curae - Haydn

Five Negro Spirituals (from A Child of Our Time) - Tippett

Blest Pair of Sirens - Parry

Mass in C - Beethoven

December Concert

Messiah - Handel

June Concert

Motets by Haydn and Bruckner

Folk songs by Vaughan Williams

Requiem - Fauré

December Concert

Zadok the Priest - Handel

Magnificat - Pergolesi

Nelson Mass - Haydn

May Concert

Petite Messe Solennelle - Rossini

December Concert

Christmas Oratorio - Bach

June Concert

Spanish motets and songs by Hindemith, Elgar, Britten, Victoria and Brahms

November Concert

Te Deum - Haydn

Mass in C - Mozart

May Concert

English folk songs, madrigals and Hungarian folk songs

Love Song Waltzes - Brahms

December Concert

O Sing unto the Lord - Handel

Rejoice in the Lord - Purcell

Magnificat - Vivaldi

Sleepers, Wake (Cantata 140) - Bach

July Concert

Missa Sancti Nicolai - Haydn

December Concert

Love Song Waltzes - Brahms

Carmina Burana - Orff

A Ceremony of Carols - Britten

April Concert

Ester Cantata - Bach

Requiem - Mozart

December Concert

The Christmas Story - Schutz

Christmas Cantata - Scarlatti

Fantasia on Christmas Carols - Vaughan Williams

July Concert

Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened (from Coronation Anthems) - Handel

Beatus Vir - Monteverdi

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