Safeguarding Policy
This policy aims to:
Protect children, young people and adults at risk who are: members of, receive services from, or volunteer for, Penrith Singers.
Ensure members, staff and volunteers working with children, young people and adults at risk understand and accept responsibility for the safeguarding of those vulnerable individuals they are interacting with.
Ensure that safeguarding of children, young people and adults at risk is a primary consideration when Penrith Singers undertakes any activity, event or project.
This policy recognises vulnerable people as:
Children up to the age of 16 or young people aged 16-18.
Adults aged over 18 at risk as defined by the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006. This might include adults with a learning or physical disability, a physical or mental illness, chronic or otherwise, including an addiction to alcohol or drugs, or reduced physical or mental capacity.
This policy also recognises risk is determined by the activity an adult is taking part in and not solely on the personal characteristics or circumstances of the adult, as such any adult can be at risk, and the risk can be temporary.
NB See the related Penrith Singers’ Equality and Diversity policy https://www.penrithsingers.co.uk/equal-opportunities
How Penrith Singers might work with vulnerable people
Membership is open to all ages. We run regular rehearsals for members and put on concerts for the general public. As such our involvement with vulnerable people might include, but is not limited to:
Members of the group who attend rehearsals and concerts, (including recipients of the Paul Jenkins Bursary (awarded to choir members up to and including age 25)
Relatives and friends of members who attend rehearsals and concerts in a volunteering capacity
Audience members at public concerts
Named Safeguarding Lead: Kristy Pattimore. All queries and concerns relating to safeguarding should be referred to Kristy Pattimore in the first instance.
All choir members must be aware of the identity of the Safeguarding Lead, with whom any concerns are to be discussed.
The Choir will seek to keep Vulnerable People safe by:
Always acting so as to promote good safeguarding practice;
Valuing them, listening to and respecting them;
Sharing concerns with relevant agencies, and involving Vulnerable People and parents as appropriate;
This policy is created by the Committee, which will:
ensure that there will always be personnel present who are DBS checked
be responsible for appointing the Safeguarding Lead
review this policy every two years, or sooner if there are relevant changes in legislation.
This policy will be reviewed every two years by the committee. Members of Penrith Singers will be informed of any changes to the policy and be invited to comment. 19/03/2024